
Head of Department : Ruby Jabbar
Designation : Lecturer Mathematics
Qualification : Ph.D scholar

Aims and Objectives

The department of Mathematics is one of the main department of Govt Associate college(w) Basti malook. It is the era of advanced technology and modern sciences. The development of any society depends upon the deep knowledge and understanding of Mathematics. The department aims at producing the good citizen as well as the competent Mathematicians, future research scholars, skilled teaches, analyst and figure heads. Currently, the department offers, ICS and ADS(2 year degree) programs in Mathematics. The curricula for all the degree programs meet all the challenges of engineering, technologies and physical sciences. It is least but not last , that we have highly qualified professional Ph.D faculty members who have earned their degrees from well reputed universities.


The Department of Mathematics is established to train the students to become competent professionals and researchers by earning degree in Mathematics. We are committed to provide outstanding education to our research scholars in accordance with principles of the College mission. The curriculum activities are planned in modern areas of Mathematics to find the solution of current mathematical problems.


The Department of Mathematics is one of the primary departments of College. Its initial setup was laid down and class work started when this College opened her gates in 2018 for her students to learn and grow. The Department realizes its responsibility to ensure long term vitality of Mathematical Sciences; that it should foster the development of Mathematics as future scholars, teachers, researchers and organizational leaders. The ADA/ADS program was launched in 2021 with highly qualified faculty members Our teaching techniques comply with modern standards and meet all mandatory requirements.