
Head of Department : Dr. Javeria Khaleeq
Designation : Lecturer
Qualification : Ph.D. Statistics, B.Z. University, Multan

The mission of the Department of Statistics is to provide students with a quality education in the field of statistics, in which they acquire fundamental statistical skills and develop a sense of statistics as a profession. To enhance the quality of research and promote research culture. Encourage research collaboration through provision of extensive statistical assistance. Develop and transfer statistical knowledge and methodology in support of significant scientific advances like, Data analyst, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, etc. Facilitate the education and training of statisticians by providing background materials and case studies, as well as direct experience in statistical consulting. To provide market-oriented graduates and scholars to be able to share and contribute their expertise to the market.
The overall goal of the Department of Statistics, is to train students in the perfection of Statistics, and enable them to scientifically collect, interpret evidence and synthesis factual information for providing support to the decision makers to developed sound strategies for national development and positive social change.


 To provide high quality teaching opportunities to the students.
 To inculcate/produce the habit of investigation and research in different fields.
 To equip the students with the philosophy and tools of Statistical Analysis for uncovering and simplify the intricacies of different situation.
 To prepare the students for coping with the challenges of modern decision support system.